The results from a recent evaluation of Inteligistics’ Inteli Coo l™ system showed significant reductions in cooling cycle time, electric power savings, reduced CO 2 emissions and overall efficiency improvement of 30%.
According to a statement, Western Growers Center for Innovat
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NORFOLK, Va. — Conditions couldn't have been more favorable for today's Norfolk Harborfest Parade of Sail. Although not as warm as it has been, highs managed to reach the upper 70s and lower 80s today.
This evening, expect par
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Inflation costing US households more than $400 more per month
Solar panels float on lake to power Fort Bragg's Camp Mackall
Police looking for
The ChillWell AC is a portable air conditioning cooler that can be purchased exclusively online through their own website: An opening statement like that must be made given the extreme popularity and demand this recently released portable air conditioning cooler is having th
There are plenty of gadgets and home goods out there that offer relief from summer heat, like cooling bamboo pillows and clip-on fans. But sometimes, you need a big blast of refreshing air — and that's why folks rave about this Amazon find.
Amazon shoppers love this Black and
A-S-H® Material and Ash Handling
Solutions for bottom ash, fly ash, and other material conveyance
B&W is the original equipment manufacturer of all Allen-Sherman-Hoff® (or A-S-H®) ash handling equipment, systems and replacement parts.
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The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Richland Public Health between May 25 and June 1:
• East Of Chicago Pizza Co., 11 W. Main St., Lexington, May 25. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected durin
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The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.
America’s Auto Auction, 1040 Commercial Ave., East Petersburg, June 3. Pass. A foo
by Success Paul | Jun 10, 2022 | Sponsored Content | 0 |
Summer is such a great season. There are so many fun and outdoor activities to anticipate. However, it comes with its downside, the heat.
Some air-conditioning systems take time to rid one of the heat of summer
Bees are pretty interesting creatures (except of course if you’re allergic to them) especially if you think about their role in our ecosystem. A lot of plants, including wild ones, rely on these insects for pollination and they are a large contributor to our biodiversity. While they will